Food, Clothing & Diapers
Feeding, Clothing, and Empowering
When people face hunger, they often struggle to meet other basic needs as well, such as housing, employment, and healthcare. That’s why Partners INW is committed to more than providing food for people in need. Over the year, we distributed around 2 million pounds of food, 300,000 diapers, and 85,000 pounds of clothing through our clothing bank. If you have items you wish to donate please consider Partners INW.
Food, diapers, and hygiene items may be dropped off with a staff member or volunteer.
Food Donations: Monday - Friday: 9 am - 3 pm [ Far West Food Bank Entrance Door Number 4 - Ring Door Bell ]
Diapers and Clothing: Monday - Friday: 9 am - 3 pm [ Front Lobby ]
We often receive questions about what food and hygiene items are okay to donate.
Here are a few simple guidelines to follow for your donation:
Non-perishable, unopened cans and packages of food
Fresh produce from your patch or garden
Opened packages of cat & dog food are okay; the same goes for hygiene items like shampoo & lotion
No open containers of food
No homemade items (such as jams and jellies, baked goods)
Nothing that requires the item to be distributed under the care of a physician
We are always in need of the following items:
Food Items:
Canned Soup (low sodium)
Applesauce cups and cans (no sugar added)
Dried fruit, raisins
100% fruit leather
Low-sugar fruit jams and jellies
Fruit cups and cans in their juices
Oats or oatmeal
Boxed Cereal
Granola bars
Rice, brown or white
Macaroni and Cheese
Boxed Dinners
Shelf Stable Milk & Alternative Milks (Soy, Rice, Almond, etc.)
Baby formula
Canned Chicken & Turkey
Canned Tuna or Salmon in water
Canned Bean Products
Canned Tomato Products
Peanut butter & other nut butters
Cooking Oils, like Olive and Canola
Fresh Produce (especially during the off-season: December-April)
Pet Items:
Pet food
Cat litter
Hygiene Items:
Baby Diapers (sizes 4, 5, & 6)
Diaper Wipes
Toilet Paper
Feminine Hygiene Items
Gas Cards
Bus Passes