Started by ten Protestant Churches, Partners INW began with the United Church Welfare of Spokane in 1951. The purpose was to direct a united church effort to adequately supervise and care for the distressed conditions of the needy. In 1952, space was obtained at the Perry Building in Opportunity. This location was used as a commissary for storing clothing and canned goods. As cost for the space became prohibitive, all of the clothing was donated to Goodwill. United Church Welfare was then able to purchase clothing from Goodwill at drastic discounts for distribution to the needy. Those in need of clothing were taken to Goodwill, and clothing would be purchased for them. Food was stored in someone’s home and given out for emergencies. This arrangement continued for a number of years.
The Clothing Bank was started in the 1960s. It was located in the Opportunity Presbyterian Church and was open one day per month. Just as today, the Clothing Bank was operated by an all-volunteer staff. During the winter of 1971, a teenager from Spokane United Methodist Church saw a need in the community for assistance with meal preparation. A youth group conceived the idea for Meals on Wheels. A community board of directors was formed, and the Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels, a non-profit corporation, was born. The Food Bank opened in 1972 and was located in the United Methodist Church.
In 1981, the United Church Welfare of Spokane Valley changed their name to Valley Shared Ministries. In 1987, Reverend Jacqueline Dickson, Sister Meg Sass and Ms. Carol Allen, along with two student groups from Inter-Collegiate Center of Nursing Education, conducted a door-to-door assessment of needs within the community. In 1988, the Guild from All Saints Episcopal Church accepted management responsibility for the Clothing Bank, and it was opened one day a week to coincide with the Food Bank.
In 1989, a task force met to discuss plans to incorporate all services currently provided. Meetings were held with the boards and directors of Valley Meals on Wheels, the Clothing Bank and the Food Bank. It was agreed that a separate organization be established to handle all of these affairs collectively. The name chosen for this new organization was The Spokane Valley Center. In April 1990, The Spokane Valley Center was given 501(c)(3) certification as a tax-exempt organization. The dedication of this new space, located at 11922 East First Avenue, was held January 15, 1991. Spokane Valley could now boast of a single, unified center serving the needs of low-income, needy and disadvantaged families.
In 2001, The Spokane Valley Center moved to its current location at 10814 East Broadway Avenue and in 2007, The Spokane Valley Center was renamed Spokane Valley Partners.