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Thanks and giving

Dear Neighbors,

Next April Partners will finish our 35th year of service. Our mission

started 74 years ago when the churches united to help their

neighbors with a natural expression of community. In 1990,

Partners became a nonprofit and we have continued that same

value of helping our neighbors at their point of crisis. A few years

ago, our community experienced a giant growth in need that

continues to trend upwards.

Today, Partners’ service is 400% larger than in 2019. 2024 has been a year of more. We have served more people than ever

(over 180,000), more new families than ever (200 households daily, 20 being new customers), more counties (17 and growing), more food (over 1300 tons), more clothing (over 52 tons), more empty

shelves, more volunteer hours, more broken hearts, and more grateful smiles more than ever. We also should have served more diapers, but the need exceeded our funding. We would love to report that the worst is over, and the tide is shifting, but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be our present reality.

Will you help us respond to over 180,000 people seeking our

help this year?

  • $500 a year provides three meals a day for a family

of four, for a year.

  • $96 will diaper a baby for a year.

Please join our efforts! Some of us can diaper a baby for a month, some feed a

family for a year, and others can volunteer to serve our

neighbors in need. We are deeply grateful for your consideration

and promise to steward every gift for the benefit of our

customers and community. Thank YOU for saying yes!

With much love and hope,

Dr. Calvin B. Coblentz

Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Would you consider becoming a VIPartner? Your recurring gifts move mountains!


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